With the Vision 2020 plan approved, club officials, management, our architect and contractor have been working vigorously to build out a timeline that best ensures the final product will be one that you can be proud of for many years to come.
We have been offered by our contractor, McDonald & Sons, to begin work on the golf course earlier than anticipated, on July 15 of this year. There are many advantages to this, which are summarized below, and the Board, management team, and Golf Course Construction Committee support this opportunity.
- Complete earth work at a time of year that typically provides dry weather and, when it does rain, the ground will dry quickly with warmer temperatures and higher sun angles.
- Schedule work with only the most minimally impactful parts of the project being done in the first 4-5 weeks (drainage ditch from #12 to #11, mainline drainage, etc).
- Progress to higher golf impact work from late-August through October (bunkers, green surrounds, sand channel drainage, etc).
- McDonald & Sons is able to send two of their most experienced bunker crews instead of just one, ensuring the project will finish quicker and minimizing the impact to golfers.
- Provide enough time to complete all work prior to November to provide time for the renovated areas to mature prior to the 2020 golf season.
- Limit equipment disturbance of non-renovated areas of the golf course through working at a time of the year the golf course is typically the firmest.
Andrew Green, our golf course architect, thinks this is a great opportunity for us and will be able to be on-site more to ensure an efficient, high-quality project is completed. For these reasons, we are scheduling the golf course construction to begin July 15th and finish by early November.
A draft timeline can be found by
CLICKING HERE and more detailed information will follow in the coming weeks. As a reminder, all holes of the golf course will remain open for play while the work is being completed. Each work area will be marked as ‘ground under repair’ so that relief can be taken without penalty from any and all work areas.
As always, feel free to reach out to either of us with any questions or concerns. We will be releasing project planning and construction updates frequently, beginning with ‘What to expect during weeks 1-5’ in the coming weeks. Please let us know what questions you have so we can include them in our communications for the entire membership.
Thank you again for your support and we look forward to a great year!
Mike Giuffre |
Bob Stawasz |
Golf Course Superintendent |
Chair, Golf Course Construction Committee |